A regular meeting of the Council for the Town of Wheatland, Platte County, and State of Wyoming was held on Monday, June 12, 2023, pursuant to the law.
Mayor Graves called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Graves asked for roll call. The following were present at roll call: Councilman Montoya, Madsen, Kaufman, and Allison. Clerk/Treasurer Candy Wright and Attorney Doug Weaver were also present.
Mayor Graves presented the agenda with no changes. Councilman Montoya motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen, to accept the agenda as presented. Motion passed 4-0.
Councilman Montoya motioned, seconded by Councilman Kaufman, to accept the consent agenda and place it on file. Motion passed 4-0.
May vouchers approved by Council are as follows: 4 Rivers Equipment,44,472.52, vehicle maintenance, Alexander Construction,7,158.21, road base, Allison, William, 150.00, town council, Alsco,120.80, mat rentals, American Collection Systems, 21.51, collections, Amped Electrical Solutions LLC, 40,525.40, street shop lighting, AT&T Mobility, 259.44, wireless services, Black Hills Energy, 2,161.58, heating, Bloedorn Lumber, 234.73, supplies, Bob Ruwart Motors, 464.80, brakes, Bomgaars, 2,597.90, operating equipment, Border States Industries , Inc,1,696.18, stock and pole key, Capital Business System Inc, 598.47, copier, Casper Star-Tribune, 587.68, inviting bids, CenturyLink, 200.03, phone services, City of Torrington, 24,337.20, sanitation disposal, ClingerHagerman, LLC, 2,400.00, electric reports annual, Contractors Materials Inc, 327.60, supplies, Crescent Electric, 488.76, parts, Crystal Ice Co, 31.00, 20 cube ice, Dana Kepner Co, 3,218.03, supplies, Deep Rock Water, 428.63, water, Dooley Oil, Inc., 495.39, kerosene oil, Engineering Associates, 6,137.80, engineering, Enniss, Tabitha, 127.33, supplies, Exponential Engineering Company, 33,712.00, general engineering, Fat Boys Tire & Repair, 68.47, tire repair, Fired Up, 26,775.00, supplies, First Bankcard, 5,332.08, schooling, google, supplies, First State Bank, 20,000.00, Health claims, GoTo Communications, 567.53, phones, Government Forms & Supplies, 435.00, envelopes, Graves, Brandon, 750.00, Town Council, Hawkins Inc,1,181.27, chlorine, Herdt, Ruth, 200.00, office cleaning, Holthus, Bo, 550.00, tuition reimbursement, Horton Fuels LLC,13,535.85, gas & diesel, Ideal, 94.74, coveralls, Johnson, Darcy, 84.26, shirt for embroidery, Kaufman, Joshua,150.00, town council, Kinsco, 2,989.06, traverse dress vest, KYCN Radio, 200.00, advertising, Lambert, Donald, 199.97, safety, Lambert, Michale, 200.00, Shop Cleaning, Landis + Gyr, 1,900.00, monthly fee x2, Laramie Peak Motors, 61,151.24, 2023 Ford F250, Lingo Communications, 287.21, Phones, Long’s Tree Spraying, LLC, 13,074.00, Tree Spraying, Madsen, Alan,150.00,Town Council, Marks Plumbing Parts, 282.19, toilet parts, McElmurry, Jeanie R,325.00, cleaning town hall, Meritain Health, 30,878.86, Health insurance premiums, Montoya, Anthony,150.00, town council, Motorola Solutions, 73.91, evidence library and annual device license and support, Mountain States Lighting, 11,835.00, king coach lantern, Northwest Public Power Association, 2,280.00, training electric fundamentals, One Call of WY, 720.00, ticket for May, P.C. Resource Dist., 120.00, Arbor Day trees, Peterbilt of WY, 279.68, street vehicle a/c compressor, PH Consulting LLC, 587.50, printed envelopes, Pitney Bowes Global, 218.85, postage machine lease, Productivity Plus, 500.68, parts, Quill Corporation, 976.25, office supplies, Record Times & PC Merchant, 428.40, advertisement, Sherard, Sherard, Artery & Johnson, 2,475.00, attorney fees, Southeast WY Weed Control, 16,281.91, weed control, Spic & Span Cleaners, 8,529.00, Patch and paint, State of WY, 13,200.36, Utility Sales Tax, Stevenson, Terry, 200.00, Emergency Management, Superior Contracting LLC, 9,100.00,13 trash runs, Symbiosa, 1,000.00, gis and mapping, T.C. Edwards, 727.50, Maintenance, TDS Collection Service Inc., 5,178.00, rolloff c&d, Terex USA LLC, 1,379.00, Bucket truck inspection, Terminix,154.00, mouse bait, The Tire Shop, 31.00, tire and repair, Thrifty Foods, 93.49, shop supplies, T-O Engineers, 6,737.10, snow removal equipment, Trihydro Corporation, 1,138.03, landfill monitoring, Turf Master LLC, 668.10, grass sod, Twisted Air, 235.00, service call, USA Blue Book, 1,108.87, water supplies, Valli Information System Inc, 1,069.76, mailing of bills, Verizon Wireless, 332.62, cell phone, WAMCAT, 200.00, caselle training, West Winds Motel, 19.38, over payment on utility, Western Bldg, 11.94, repairs, Wheatland Ace Hardware, 36.16, supplies, Wheatland Ace Hardware, LLC, 47.90, pool maintenance, Wheatland Automotive, 1,309.04, vehicle maintenance, Wheatland Garage Door LLC, 585.78, service call and labor, Wheatland R.E.A.,7,750.07, Electric,WYDOT, 1,505.84, appraisal review, WYDOT,1,439.28, 16th street, WY Dept. of Environ Quality, 1,250.00, air quality permit, WY Rural Electric Assoc., 100.00, Operation Mangers meeting, WyoLogic Inc., 2,766.25, IT Services, WY Municipal Power, 190,876.08, power bill, WY Retirement System, 393.75, firemen’s retirement, WY Workers Compensation, 814.67, Workman’s Comp, SPET- Exponential Engineering, 649.00, engineering fees, Electrical Connections, 26,604.00, Black Mt. underground. Total Payroll, 187,790.97, Total Vouchers, 866,273.84.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Grave presented a proclamation declaring June 14, 2023 as Flag Day.
UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Councilman Kaufman motioned, seconded by Councilman Allison, to approve Ordinance 842 on third and final reading. An Ordinance Repealing Section 8.05.020,8.05.030, & 8.05.040 of the Wheatland Municipal Code, and Replacing Section 8.05.020, 8.05.030 & 8.05.040 by Adopting and Establishing an Effective Date of the 2021 Edition of the International Property Maintenance Code. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN OF WHEATLAND, WYOMING, that sections 8.05.020, 8.05.030 & 8.05.040 are hereby amended as follows: 8.05.020 The following international code, supplements, and amendments thereto, are hereby adopted by reference as provided by W.S § 15-1-119 (Lexis/Nexis 2017 as amended), except those portions of such code as amended, modified, added, or deleted below and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the Town. (a). The International Property Maintenance Code, 2021 edition, is hereby adopted by reference as if the same were fully set forth herein: 1. 2021 International Property Maintenance Code a. Section 101.1. Insert: [Town of Wheatland] b. Section 103.1. Insert: [Building & Life Safety Department] c. Section 107.1 Shall read as follows: “In order to hear and decide appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official relative to conditions described in Section 111, and Section 113, the Town of Wheatland Board of Adjustment shall be the board of appeals for this code. The board of appeals shall be appointed by the applicable governing authority and shall hold office at its pleasure. The board shall adopt rules of procedure for conducting its business and shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the code official. All other orders, decisions or determinations made by the code official shall be appealed before the Municipal Judge and the judge shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the appellant with a duplicate copy to the code official.” d. Section 109.3. See WMC Section 8.05.030 for additional procedural policy.
e. Section 302.4. Insert [8 inches] f. Section 302.8. See Section 8.05.010 “Abandoned Vehicle”
g. Section 304.14. Insert “From [March 15th] to [November 15th]” h. Section 308. Shall be deleted in its entirety. See WMC 8.05.050 and 8.05.060 i. Section 602.3. Insert “From [January 1st] to [December 31st] j. Section 602.4. Insert “From [January 1st] to [December 31st] 8.05.030 Notices of Violation according to IPMC 2021 Section 111.4 shall be issued at the Code Official’s discretion or when a written complaint is filed by a citizen of the Town of Wheatland. (a). Time allowed for correction of violations shall be as follows. All times given shall be from the date the Notice of Violation was issued. Variances to the times listed below may be granted by the Code Official if extenuating circumstances are presented. Unmown grass, weeds, garbage, and refuse violations shall be given 14 days to correct the violation with the right to appeal to the municipal court session noted on the Notice of Violation. Unkept buildings, fences, and rodent or insect pest violations shall be given 30 days to correct the violation with the right to appeal to the municipal court session noted on the Notice of Violation. If a building is found unfit for occupancy, the owner shall have 3 months to correct the violations or vacate the property with the right to appeal to the Board of Adjustment session noted on the Notice of Violation. If an accessory building is condemned; the owner shall have 3 months to demo the building and terminate all utilities as required by the Town of Wheatland, or complete all repairs required by the Code Official with the right to appeal to the Board of Adjustment session noted on the Notice of Violation. If a primary dwelling or commercial building is condemned; the owner shall have 12 months to demo the building and terminate all utilities as required by the Town of Wheatland or begin substantial repairs as required by the Code Official with the right to appeal to the Board of Adjustment session noted on the Notice of Violation. (b). If a Defendant fails to comply with a Notice of Violation the appropriate proceeding shall be as follows. If a Violation is relative to the conditions described in IPMC Section 111 or Section 113, the code official shall proceed with the required steps to correct the violation according to IPMC section 109.4, 109.5, 112, and 113.3 regarding the best interest of the Town. All other violations shall be served with a Municipal Development Code Citation summoning the defendant before the Municipal Judge and every effort shall be made to gain compliance before implementing compulsory compliance.
8.05.040 (Reserved) Councilman Montoya motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen to approve Ordinance 843 on second reading. Motion passed 4-0. An Ordinance Granting a franchise to Mountain West Technologies Company on behalf of itself and its operating affiliates (“Mountain West”) to operate and maintain a hardwire telecommunications system (“system” or “the System” in the Town of Wheatland, WY (“Town” or “The Town”). S/N: Mayor Brandon Graves Attest: S/N Clerk Candy Wright. NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Kaufman motioned, seconded by Councilman Montoya to approve Resolution # 6-2023 Amending the FY 2022-2023 Budget. Motion passed 4-0. Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Kaufman, to approve the TAP agreement for FY 2023 and authorize the Mayor to sign. Motion passed 4-0. Councilman Kaufman motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen, to reject the bids for South Street water main extension and 11th Street sewer replacement and authorize the engineer to rebid the projects. Motion passed 4-0. Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Montoya to transfer the four agreements with Exponential Engineering to Barr Engineering Co. Motion passed 4-0. Council asked Chief Doug Willadsen to look into what other police departments do for their field training officers and bring to the next council meeting. With nothing further to come before the Council the meeting adjourned 7:42 p.m. S/N: Mayor Brandon Graves Attest: S/N: Deputy Clerk Tabitha Enniss
Public Notice No. 11460. To be published in the Platte County Record-Times - June 28, 2023.