Public Notice No. 10371




UNAPPROVED RECORD OF JANUARY 8, 2019 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PLATTE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WHEATLAND, WY – The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with the following present: Steve Shockley, Chairman; Sandy Kontour, Commissioner; Ian Jolovich, Commissioner; and Malcolm Ervin, County Clerk. Selection of Board Chairman: Commissioner Shockley motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to elect Commissioner Sandy Kontour as chairman of the board. Motion carried. Chairman Kontour motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to elect Mr. Shockley as vice-chairman. Motion carried. Chairman Kontour remained as the WCCA board member. Agenda, minutes, and Vouchers: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the agenda. Motion carried. The minutes from the last regular meeting were approved as presented. Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried. Vouchers approved for payment: 911 SYSTEM PHONE CENTURY LINK 337.87 CENTURYLINK 1777.61 AG EXT NEW EQUIP XEROX FINANCIAL SERVICES 30.38 UTILITIES BLACK HILLS ENERGY 153.83 REPAIR/MAINT BOB RUWART MOTORS INC 283.46 THE TIRE SHOP 15.00 SALARY JEANIE R MCELMURRY 175.00 STATE REIMB UNIVERSITY OF WYOMING 6,009.00 SUPPLIES DRUBE SUPPLY 48.48 SAMS CLUB DIRECT 243.56 XESI DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 273.04 UTILITIES BALZAN,JULIE 30.00 DALLAS MOUNT 30.00 TOWN OF WHEATLAND 269.04 WYOMING WIRELESS INTERNET INC 500.00 ASSESSOR MILEAGE & EXP FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 38.49 CLERK OF COURT COSTS PALEN LAW OFFICES LLP 3,170.00 POSTAGE USPS NEOPOST 1,000.00 SUPPLIES FIRST STATE BANK 57.60 CLERK MILEAGE & EXP TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 275.00 POSTAGE USPS NEOPOST 500.00 SUPPLIES ENTERPRISE TECH SERVICES 6.00 OFFICE DEPOT 614.05 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 297.77 STEIL SURVEYING SERVICES WHEATLAND 39.00 COMMISSIONERS MISC PH CONSULTING LLC 42.93 PLANNER FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 20.14 USPS NEOPOST 500.00 CORONER AUTOPSIES FORENSIC PATHOLOGY CONSULTANT 1,200.00 NMS LABS 305.00 MILEAGE & EXP FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 58.53 SUPPLIES ALLEN S PARTS SUPPLY 277.76 COURTHOUSE BLDG MAINT A & M ELECTRIC LLC 120.00 FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 132.39 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 253.35 TERMINIX 70.00 WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 985.00 SUPPLIES BLUFFS SANITARY SUPPLY 475.30 UTILITIES TOWN OF WHEATLAND 6,703.90 WYOMING WIRELESS INTERNET INC 420.00 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 1739.72 DETENTION BD OF PRISONERS FARMER BROS CO 596.60 FUEL FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 877.51 MEDICAL CARE ANDERSON DENTAL PC 248.00 BANNER HEALTH 798.00 MUD SPRINGS VISION CLINIC 553.00 NEW EQUIP Hincklease 22,879.90 REPAIR/MAINT A & M ELECTRIC LLC 607.64 CONSOLIDATED MFG ENT INC 71.25 CORVINUS GROUP LLC 3,100.00 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 34.54 SUPPLIES Charm-Tex Inc 3,568.50 ECOLAB 1,713.72 PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION INC 756.22 UNIFORMS BEAR CREEK ORIGINALS 90.00 ELECTIONS POSTAGE USPS NEOPOST 500.00 EMERGENCY MGT SUPPLIES JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 53.36 INFO TECH REPAIR/MAINT TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 1,750.00 TECH SUPPORT PRO RIVER TECHNOLOGY 7,787.25 MISC GEN LEASED EQUIP CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEMS 1,492.23 MEDICAL INS DELTA DENTAL 761.47 PHONE FIRST CALL COMMUNICATIONS 325.00 PH GRANTS BIOTERRORISM DAYS INN HOT SPRINGS CONVENTION CTR 188.00 PLATTE COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH 283.26 THE PIE TIN BAKERY AND CATERING 300.00 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 15.90 MFH AMAZON 87.98 PUBLIC HEALTH DUES/CONT ED JOELLEN HOCKLEY 99.00 MILEAGE & EXP FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 27.23 POSTAGE USPS NEOPOST 50.00 SUPPLIES AMAZON 17.55 OMNIS NETWORK 142.80 WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 49.00 R & B NEW EQUIP CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES 58,796.52 RD MAT/CULV/BRIDGES MCMURRY READY MIX CO 6,918.92 TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICALS 337.50 TRUENORTH STEEL 151.24 VAUGHN CONCRETE PRODUCTS 672.00 SUPPLIES BLOEDORN LUMBER 36.21 DRUBE SUPPLY 312.59 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 712.15 MOUNTAIN STATES LITHOGRAPHING 203.78 OFFICE DEPOT 415.36 UTILITIES TDS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 52.50 YO INVESTMENTS INC 98.19 BLACK HILLS ENERGY 28.62 VEHICLE REP FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 16.00 PRODUCTIVITY PLUS ACCOUNT 70.89 WHEATLAND AUTOMOTIVE 2,241.33 WYOMING MACHINERY CO 1,418.22 SCRF FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 4,636.38 SHERIFF FUEL FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 4,296.55 SPEC INVESTIG VERIZON WIRELESS 116.08 SUPPLIES PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION INC 136.52 PLATTE COUNTY RECORD TIMES 45.95 TRAINING Magoo & Associates LLC 50.00 VEHICLE REP KEYSTONE GROUP 33.50 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS 221.56 OREILLY AUTO PARTS 54.07 TREASURER POSTAGE USPS NEOPOST 1,000.00 SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 100.22 ENTERPRISE TECH SERVICES 17.95 PH CONSULTING LLC 2,250.00 PAYROLL 270667.81 MEDICAL 87041.51 DELTA DENTAL 375.00 TAX ACCOUNT 3825.73 FORT DEARBORN LIFE 16358.23 WYO DEPT OF WORKFORCE SVCS 10187.05 WYO RETIREMENT SYSTEM 43740.41 TOTAL 161,347.44. Business Before the Board: Collections: Clyde Harris, Sheriff, November Collections - $1,229.72; Mona McAuley, Clerk of District Court, December Collections - $1,635.75; Chris Kanwischer, Clerk, December Collections - $13,381.40; 8th District Circuit Court - $19,465.00. Bonds Approved: Steve Shockley, Commissioner $1,000; Ian Jolovich, Commissioner $1,000; Malcolm J. Ervin, Clerk $10,000; Kristi Rietz, Treasurer $100,000; Danette Eppel, Assessor $10,000; Clyde Harris, Sheriff $10,000; Philip G. Martin, Coroner $1,000; Mona McAuley, Clerk of District Court $10,000. Tax Cancellation: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the tax refund for tax year 2018 for Juanita V. Brown in the amount of $648.88 due to the tax account being split and the buildings should have been added to the account R0004286. Motioned carried. Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the tax cancellation for tax year 2018 for Deborah Nelson in the amount of $1,511.59 due to the acount being split and the building should have been moved to account R0010571 – Nelson will be rebilled. Motion carried. Road & Bridge: Road Superintendent Angle updated the board on the retirement of Steve Zavorka, who served Platte County for 27 years and 4 months. Mr. Angle also updated the board on projects he intends to complete in the summer. Planning & Zoning: Planner Kalev presented two building certificates for approval from William & Holly Crowley and Jodie & Jeffrey Sinner.  Sheriff Harris: The Sheriff requested approval to accept a new Hinklease quote due to a shortage of vehicles. Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the updated lease from Hinklease for two 2019 Chevy Tahoes with the updated price of $12,243 per vehicle. Motion carried. Weed & Pest Board Appointment: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Joloivch, to appoint John Watson, Area 2 Director. Motion carried. Mr. Jolovich motioned, seconded by Mr. Shockley, to appoint Bill Criss, Area 3 Director. Motion carried. Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to appoint Eric J. Heatherly, Area 6 Director. Motion carried. Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to appoint Larry A. Yost, Area 7 Director. Motion carried. Each director position is a four-year term beginning January 1, 2019. County Engineer Interview: The Board interviewed Hal Hutchinson for the open position as the County Engineer, and discussed the interest of Bill Gorman for the open position as the County Engineer. Designation of Official County Newspaper: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to appoint the Platte County Record-Times as the official county newspaper. Motion carried.Resolution #2019-01: Mr. Jolovich motioned, seconded by Mr. Shockley, to approve Resolution #2019-01 entitled: Resolution of Recognition in Honor of Chris Kanwischer. The full resolution is on file at the County Clerk’s Office or available online at Resolution #2019-02: Mr. Shockley motined, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve Resolution #2019-02 entitled: Resolution of Recognition in Honor of Al Wright. Motion carried. The full resolution is on file at the County Clerk’s Office or available online at Resolution #2019-03: Mr. Jolovich motioned, seconded by Mr. Shockley, to approve Resolution #2019-03 entitled: Resolution of Recognition in Honor of Eric D. Johnston. Motion carried. The full resolution is on file at the County Clerk’s Office or available online at Out of State Travel: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve payment for one night lodging, meals, and mileage in accordance with Platte County policy for LeRoy Jons to attend a tristate local foods meeting in Scottsbluff, NE on January 8th and 9th, 2019. Motion carried. Grant Agreement between Wyoming Department of Homland Secoruty and Platte County: Mr. Shockley motioned, seconded by Mr. Jolovich, to approve the 18-EMPG-PLA-GCF18 grant agreement between the Wyoming Office of Homeland Security and Platte County, and allow the chairman to sign the agreement. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00  p.m. Approved: /s/Sandy Kontour, Chairman; Attest: /s/Malcolm Ervin, County Clerk.

Public Notice No. 10371. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times January 16,   2019.