Glendo Council approves division


GLENDO — The Glendo Town Council approved a property division for Harold and Deb McVay following a public hearing during the council’s regular meeting March 7.
Platte County Planner Malcolm Ervin recommended naming the division McVay Subdivision Lot 1 Subdivision to make title research easier.
No council members or members of the public voiced any concerns, and the council approved the division.

In other business, the Glendo Town Council:
▪ Passed Resolution 3-1-18 approving propositions to impose the 1 percent specific purpose tax. The Platte County Commission passed its resolution March 6, and the law requires the governing bodies of 2/3 of the municipalities to pass identical resolutions to put the tax question on the August primary ballot. Glendo’s proposition requests $413,000 to be used to convert the Old Town Shop into a community center.
▪ Approved the February treasurer’s report and March claims for consideration.
▪ Approved the town’s yearly contribution of $200 to Wyoming Child & Family Development.