Unapproved Record – The Board of County Commissioners, Platte County, Wyoming, met on the 16th day of July 2024 in the county seat of Wheatland. Those present for the meeting were Steve Shockley, Commission Chairman; Ian Jolovich, Commissioner; Kayla Mantle, Commissioner; and Malcolm Ervin, County Clerk. Chairman Shockley called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve the July 2nd and July 9th meeting minutes. The motion carried. Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to approve the vouchers as presented. The motion carried. Approved for Payment: 911 Phones AT & T 73.03 CENTURY LINK - SEATTLE 405.57 CENTURY LINK - PHOENIX 341.35 Ag. Ext. Travel Expenses WEX 67.39 Utilities TOWN OF WHEATLAND 206.96 American Heart Assn. PLATTE COUNTY EXTENSION 225.00 Attorney Printing RECORD TIMES 448.00 Clerk of Court GAL WYOMING OFFICE OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM 1,315.05 Postage PETTY CASH 29.55 Supplies MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC 654.46 Commissioner Dues & Continuing Ed. WCCA 12,335.00 Coroner Repair ALLEN’S PARTS SUPPLY 494.59 Travel Expenses WEX 70.31 Detention Board of Prisoners GENE DAVIS DISTRIBUTING 806.40 THRIFTY FOODS INC 82.31 CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING 23,532.55 Fuel WEX 1,403.59 Medical Care SOUTH STREET PHARMACY 727.40 Supplies BOB BARKER COMPANY INC 498.04 Uniforms GALLS LLC 735.25 Vehicle Repair VISA 12.00 Election Printing RECORD TIMES 550.00 Repair & Maint. ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE 11,317.50 Supplies ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE 1,715.50 Emergency Mgt. Supplies ANTHONY KROTZ 271.51 Travel Expenses ANTHONY KROTZ 15.86 Facilities Building Maintenance BLOEDORN LUMBER 160.54 SIMPLY CLEAN 826.80 IDEAL LINEN & UNIFORM 142.49 WHEATLAND GARAGE DOOR 867.75 BOMGAARS SUPPLY 268.33 WESTERN BUILDING SUPPLY 57.16 TERMINIX OF WYOMING 78.00 CNH INDUSTRIAL ACCOUNTS 20.23 Facilities Custodial JEANIE MCELMURRY 200.00 Custodial LISA STENMARK 1,000.00 Fuel WEX 284.39 Jail Maintenance SIMPLY CLEAN 196.00 Supplies IDEAL/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTIONS 2,857.90 Utilities TOWN OF WHEATLAND 7,381.51 Vehicle Repair THE TIRE SHOP 16.04 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 16.03 Fair Expenses PLATTE COUNTY FAIR 1,050.00 WESTERN BUILDING SUPPLY 204.48 FUN ON THE GO 4,000.00 ROUGHSTOCK RECORDS 3,000.00 TOWN OF WHEATLAND 500.00 Printing RECORD TIMES 1,540.00 FP-TSLN-FRE 650.00 Utilities TOWN OF WHEATLAND 1,698.95 Geographic Information System (GIS) GREENWOOD MAPPING INC 455.00 Insurance WYOMING LOCAL GOVERNMENT LIABILITY POOL 46,562.00 WARM PROPERTY INSURANCE POOL 88,943.42 IT Software TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 250.00 Library Printing HOWSHAR HARDWARE 11.98 GUERNSEY SUPER FOODS 25.54 Supplies RECORD TIMES 79.99 Utilities TOWN OF WHEATLAND 1,349.63 FUSION CLOUD SERVICES LLC 493.38 CHUGWATER TELEPHONE 40.76 Maternal & Child Health (SGF) PLATTE COUNTY 350.00 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 154.36 VERIZON WIRELESS 170.69 WEX 32.72 Medical Insurance WEBT 131,472.98 DELTA DENTAL 4,202.80 PCED PLATTE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP 3,200.00 PH Printing RECORD TIMES 79.99 Supplies VERIZON WIRELESS 130.68 WYOMING PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY 54.00 Travel Expenses WEX 48.43 Phones FUSION CLOUD SERVICES LLC 340.43 GO TO COMMUNICATIONS 2,651.94 Prevention Grant DOUBLE AM&H/CINEMA WEST 125.00 VERIZON WIRELESS 90.67 Printing RECORD TIMES 3,718.19 Printing & Publishing RECORD TIMES 659.75 R & B Fuel FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP 2,157.06 WEX 655.97 Materials BOMGAARS SUPPLY 573.91 Supplies BOMGAARS SUPPLY 390.50 Utilities Y-O INVESTMENTS INC 113.19 WHEATLAND RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION 269.94 Vehicle Repair FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 4,245.38 WYOMING MACHINERY COMPANY 2,289.94 BOMGAARS SUPPLY 20.98 MHL SYSTEMS 11,057.24 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS 163.24 Sheriff Extradition VISA 892.35 Fuel WEX 8,186.73 K9 Operations COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY 298.79 Postage WATCH SYSTEMS LLC DBA OFFENDER WATCH 35.00 VISA 17.06 Special Investigations T-MOBILE 458.58 Supplies RECORD TIMES 100.00 BLUE360 MEDIA LLC 1,392.30 Training VISA 923.43 Uniforms GALLS LLC 745.00 Vehicle Repair PREMIER VEHICLE INSTALLATION INC 2,110.09 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC 69.77 KEYSTONE GROUP LLC 558.50 Treasurer Supplies US POSTAL SERVICE - POST MASTER 120.00 EAKES OFFICE SOLUTIONS 34.51 Vaccine Campaign Grant KYCN-AM/KZEW-FM 275.00. Total: $409,199.56. County Treasurer: The Board reviewed the daily receipts of Treasurer Kristi Rietz from July 1 through July 10, 2024, which totaled $1,159,580.97. Treasurer Rietz also presented the fiscal position of the County as of June 30, 2024. Encroachment Licenses: The Board reviewed, and approved, two encroachment licenses from Darin Geringer and Doc & Robin Hill. Agreements: Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve an MOU between the Wyoming Office of Guardian Ad Litem and Platte County. The motion carried. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve an elevator service agreement with TKE. The motion carried. Executive Session: At 9:37 AM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 10:05 AM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Executive Session: At 10:06 AM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 10:33 AM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT): Mark Ayen, District Engineer, presented the annual State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for 2024 – 2030. The STIP provides a six-year projection of projects planned by WYDOT. The plan can be viewed at www.dot.state.wy.us/STIP. There being no further business for board consideration, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 AM. A regular meeting of the Board, which is open to the public, will be held Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., at the County Courthouse, located 800 9th St., Wheatland, WY. Further County information, and public notices, can be obtained at www.plattecountywyoming.com or by calling the Clerk’s Office at (307) 322-2315.
Public Notice No. 11698. To be published in the Platte County Record-Times - July 24, 2024.