Unapproved Record – The Board of County Commissioners, Platte County, Wyoming, met on the 15th day of August 2023 in the county seat of Wheatland. Those present for the meeting were Steve Shockley, Commission Chairman; Ian Jolovich, Commissioner; Kayla Mantle, Commissioner; and Malcolm Ervin, County Clerk. Chairman Shockley called the meeting to order at 9:00 AM. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Chairman Shockley, to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Chairman Shockley, to approve the August 1st meeting minutes. The motion carried. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Chairman Shockley, to approve the vouchers as presented. The motion carried. Vouchers Approved for Payment: Payroll Gross, 366.00 Tax Account 56.00 WY Dept of Workforce SVCS 7.54 911 Phones CENTURY LINK - PHOENIX $340.11 CENTURY LINK - SEATTLE $1,399.36 CENTURY LINK - SEATTLE $121.44Ag. Ext. New Equipment PLATTE COUNTY EXTENSION $83.98Supplies PLATTE COUNTY EXTENSION $4.49Travel Expenses PLATTE COUNTY EXTENSION $260.60Assessor Travel Expenses WEX $49.64Attorney Supplies AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES $148.70Clerk of Court Court Costs BARNES LAW LLC $578.03Clerk Supplies WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $57.41Commissioner Discretionary Funds SHIRLEY SHOCKLEY $300.00 Supplies STITCHES & INK $396.00 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $19.81Coroner Facility Rent GORMAN FUNERAL HOME $1,050.00Travel Expenses WEX $173.87County Health Officer Grant STEVE P PEASLEY MD $800.00County Road Fund (SCRF) MARTIN MARIETTA $1,915.40Courthouse Renovation AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES $314.37 BMO $9,542.07 KYCN-AM/KZEW-FM $210.00 T&C LANDSCAPE DIRT WORKS $27,794.90 TOWN OF WHEATLAND $5,130.00Detention Board of Prisoners CASH-WA DISTRIBUTING $18,562.78 CHARM-TEX $1,829.00 GENE DAVIS DISTRIBUTING $771.23 THRIFTY FOODS INC $91.07 VISA $80.65Fuel WEX $1,319.14Medical Care BMG WEST $87.50 MCKESSON MEDICAL SURGICAL $204.61 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL OF CONVERSE COUNTY $109.74 SOUTH STREET PHARMACY $502.47 VISA $26.67Supplies IDEAL/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTIONS $1,500.00 SAFEGUARD $988.72 VISA $427.07Training VISA $215.80Vehicle Repair BOB RUWART MOTORS $968.47 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC $8.18Dispatch Training POWERPHONE INC $399.00Emergency Mgt. Facility Rent PLATTE COUNTY $700.00Emergency Preparedness Grant PLATTE COUNTY $350.00 VERIZON WIRELESS $40.01 WEX $70.16Facilities Building Maintenance AG HEATING & COOLING LLC $786.62 BLOEDORN LUMBER -($25.36) BMO $215.96 GRAINGER $262.75 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC $177.26 SHRED-IT C/O STERICYCLE INC $362.00 TERMINIX OF WYOMING $39.00 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $997.69 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $160.85 Capital Construction BLOEDORN LUMBER $254.94Custodial JEANIE MCELMURRY $200.00 LISA TAMLIN $1,000.00Fuel FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP $353.62 JASON GRIFFIN $107.01 SHAWN RUPERT $103.99 WEX $329.10Supplies IDEAL LINEN & UNIFORM $170.83 IDEAL/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTIONS $779.02 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $32.26Utilities TOWN OF WHEATLAND $8,177.32Fair Discretionary Fund 7220 CONSULTING LLC $3,667.01 ULINE $10,965.25Expenses ALIANA HAZEN $25.00 ALYSSA PRITEKEL $100.00 ATHENA SWIHART $50.00 CANNON GILLASPIE $25.00 CARLEE HILL $25.00 CHERI FARIS $100.00 CHRISTIAN WINGER $333.00 CLAY MOORE $795.00 CLAY STECKLEN $1,325.00 DARCY JOHNSON $25.00 DIANALEE PRIME $25.00 DJ MAGIK $550.00 EXCLAMATION POINT! $328.50 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA $76.15 GREYSON WRIGHT $25.00 HOLLEE BOSCH $25.00 HORSE SHOE LIVESTOCK $50.00 HUNTER SISSON $166.00 JODY DENNIS $25.00 KARLA ROBBINS $25.00 KENDRA BAUDER $25.00 LEVI CLARK $648.00 LOGAN LEWIS $173.00 MICHELE MCGUIRE $734.00 MICHELLE CONNELL $108.00 MILL IRON L MEAT $25.00 MOLLY READ $25.00 PICADILLY PLAYSCHOOL $250.00 Platte Valley Bank $11,078.00 QUENT GUDAHL $66.00 RILEY BRITTON $25.00 RYKER HYCHE $530.00 SAVANNAH HAECKER $25.00 SHARON UTTER $25.00 SUZANNE CORDES $25.00 TARA JO DARLING $25.00 TERESA BAKER $25.00 TRAVIS WITT $497.00 WES ARGON $375.00 WESLEY ROSENGREEN $625.00 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $43.76 WYATT DUNCAN $250.00Printing KTGA/KBDY $330.00 RECORD TIMES $459.00 Supplies FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA $535.55Utilities BLACK HILLS ENERGY $300.14 TOWN OF WHEATLAND $1,479.07Farm School BLOEDORN LUMBER $24.99Federal Grants & Aid Bioterrorism Grant BMO $40.51Federal Grants & Aid Prevention Grant BMO $1,286.89 BMO $58.80Federal Grants & Aid TANF Grant BMO $195.00IT New Equipment WYOLOGIC INC $6,600.00Software BMO $105.95Technical Support WYOLOGIC INC $8,771.50Jail Maintenance AG HEATING & COOLING LLC $11,117.61 TW ENTERPRISES INC $615.44 WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $6.26Library Child Programs BMO $1,007.30Postage BMO $505.00 Printing BMO $342.34 HOUCHEN BINDERY $373.00 Software BMO $305.98Supplies BMO $2,272.62Travel Expenses DESIRAE IACOVETTO $41.25Utilities CHUGWATER TELEPHONE $40.70 TOWN OF WHEATLAND $1,180.37 Maternal & Child Health (SGF) PLATTE COUNTY $700.00 VERIZON WIRELESS $170.51Medical Insurance DELTA DENTAL $2,169.60 UNITED STATES TREASURY $19.87 WEBT $127,999.42Miscellaneous KANT FM 104.1 THE PEAK $200.00 KYCN-AM/KZEW-FM $420.00 PH Health Officer STEVE P PEASLEY MD $365.00Printing RECORD TIMES $600.00State Reimbursement WYOMING DEPT OF HEALTH $17,623.03Supplies AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES $70.84 VERIZON WIRELESS $90.51 WYOMING PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY $15.00Travel Expenses OFFICE ALLY $35.00Vaccinations MCKESSON MEDICAL SURGICAL $378.61Phones GO TO COMMUNICATIONS $2,739.93Planner WEX $44.17Prevention Grant VERIZON WIRELESS $90.49 WEX $47.48Printing RECORD TIMES $2,639.60R & B CDL Drug Testing ONE STOP SAFETY SOLUTIONS $60.00Fuel FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP $1,392.98 WEX BANK $634.30Materials ECONO SIGNS $606.20Supplies WHEATLAND ACE HARDWARE $9.96Utilities WHEATLAND RURAL ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION $221.42 Y-O INVESTMENTS INC $113.19Vehicle Repair FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO $4,033.88 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS $137.02 MHC KENWORTH - CHEYENNE $408.90 SAFELITE FULFILLMENT INC $235.87 WYOMING MACHINERY COMPANY $2,910.82Sheriff Armory AIMPOINT INC $841.96 MAGPUL INDUSTIRIES CORP $302.67 TEEL GUN WORKS LLC $14,846.70 TGS MANUFACTURING $5,070.00 VISA $295.77Extradition VISA $427.39Fuel WEX $9,893.22K9 Operations LARAMIE PEAK VETERINARY ASSOCIATES $89.56Postage WATCH SYSTEMS LLC DBA OFFENDER WATCH $35.00Special Investigations T-MOBILE $30.56Supplies VISA $218.38Vehicle Repair BLUE LINE CUSTOM VINYLS $235.00 BOB RUWART MOTORS $3,345.69 KEYSTONE GROUP LLC $344.00 O’REILLY AUTOMOTIVE INC $15.78Treasurer Supplies BMO $114.00Vaccine Campaign Grant KYCN-AM/KZEW-FM $275.00Workforce Grant PLATTE COUNTY $874.80. Total: $371,624.87. County Treasurer: Kristi Rietz, County Treasurer, presented the fiscal position of the County as of July 31, 2023. The Board reviewed the daily receipts of the treasurer’s office from August 1 through August 9, 2023, which totaled $1,011,122.45. Executive Session: At 9:15 AM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 9:48 AM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Maintenance Department: Jim DeWitt, Maintenance Supervisor, provided updates to the Board. Executive Session: At 10:36 AM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 10:48 AM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Executive Session: At 10:52 AM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 11:18 AM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Executive Session: At 1:00 PM, Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 1:17 PM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Agreements: Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve a grant writing agreement between MC2 Collaborative and Platte County. The motion carried. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve a survey and engineering agreement between Coffey Engineering and Platte County. The motion carried. Sheriff Russell presented an agreement for consideration. Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to approve a memorandum of agreement, contingent upon County Attorney approval, between Platte County School District #2 and Platte County establishing a School Resource Officer program. The motion carried. Executive Session: At 1:42 PM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 2:04 PM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Crawford Mining: Zach Crawford spoke about a road use agreement for a Silica mine, which will use Glendo Park Road as a haul route. Mr. Crawford proposed a royalty and road maintenance as part of the agreement. The Board requested that Mr. Crawford prepare a draft agreement and incorporate the royalty and road maintenance that he proposed. Executive Session: At 2:52 PM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to call for an executive session for personnel matters pursuant to Wyoming Statute 16-4-405(a)(ii). The motion carried. At 3:38 PM, Commissioner Mantle motioned, seconded by Commissioner Jolovich, to adjourn executive session where no decisions were made. The motion carried. Emergency Management Coordinator: Commissioner Jolovich motioned, seconded by Commissioner Mantle, to nominate Anthony Krotz as Platte County Emergency Management Coordinator to the Governor’s Office for official appointment by the governor. The motion carried. Building Certificates: Doug Dumont, County Planner, presented two building certificates for approval. The Board examined, and approved, building certificates for Troy & Glenda Lay and Bristow Construction. There being no further business for board consideration, the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 PM. A regular meeting of the Board, which is open to the public, will be held Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m., at the County Courthouse, located 800 9th St., Wheatland, WY. Further County information, and public notices, can be obtained at www.plattecountywyoming.com or by calling the Clerk’s Office at (307) 322-2315.
Public Notice No. 11496. To be published in the Platte County Record-Times - August 23, 2023.