Public Notice
Publication of Gross Salaries Platte County School District #1
Wheatland, WY 82201
Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 21-3-110 (a) (ii) (A). Duties of Boards of Trustees, individual yearly gross salary payments shall be published during the month of March of each year. Each individual annual gross salary shall be identified by category. Please refer to the district web site ( for all salary schedules.
Annual Total
Catagory Gross Annual
Salary Gross
Superintendent $130,000 $130,000
High School Principals $14,516 $118,532
Middle school Principal $84,700 $113,732
Elementary Principals $14,516 $208,832
Elementary Education
Kindergarten $26,137 $348,140
1st Grade $62,473 $214,983
2nd Grade $54,517 $234,948
3rd Grade $44,776 $216,350
4th Grade $17,917 $182,793
5th Grade $17,917 $128,429
Adaptive PE $42,787 $42,787
Art $51,559 $51,559
ESL $0 $0
Music $55,843 $55,843
Physical Education $26,647 $122,880
Special Education $48,703 $244,381
Special Education Para $17,730 $242,665
Title 1 -Teacher $45,490 $196,291
Intervention Specialist $46,204 $46,204
Early Childhood Liason $46,918 $46,918
Guidance Counselor $64,615 $64,615
Para Educator $9,811 $61,991
Library $1,303 $39,948
Title 1 Para $2,294 $80,085
Technology Assistant $18,617 $18,617
Playground Aide $4,964 $4,964
Total $3,216,486
High School/Middle School
Art $47,632 $64,400
Business Education $46,918 $46,918
Computer Science $27,794 $27,794
English $46,918 $306,585