Take notice that PJ & Sons Auto Recycling has possession of the following described motor vehicle(s) or trailer(s) To Wit:
ITEM: Vin/Serial Number
1994 Chevrolet 1GCGK29F6RE190950
1966 Pontiac 233356P301581
1957 Ford F10J7K33524
1931 Ford A4115297
1930 Ford A4030572
1958 Chevrolet A58J105453
1955 Chevrolet B55S235860
1957 Chevrolet VC57J214532
1955 Chevrolet VC55K022696
and the same shall be sold as abandoned property at a cost to cover expenses on October 31, 2019 at 6 O’clock P.M. at Platte County Courthouse, Wheatland, Wyoming.
Vehicles may be viewed at: 2050 Center Street, Wheatland, Wyoming 82201 before sale date with arrangements of the landowner.
Dated: October 7, 2019
Public Notice No. 10566. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times October 16, and 23, 2019.