The Town of Glendo will accept sealed bids for Lots 1, 2 & 3 of the Glendo Business Park, Town of Glendo. The minimum bid for each lot is $40,000.00. Each lot will be sold individually to the highest responsible bidder.
The governing body reserves the right to reject all bids. The above described property is being sold “AS IS” without any warranties. All bidders must submit a written bid proposal including a certified check for $5,000.00 that will be placed into an escrow account. The winning bidder will be required to enter into a purchase agreement acceptable to the governing body and be expected to close the transaction immediately.
Sealed bids will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on March 6, 2019, at the Town of Glendo office building. Bids may be mailed to: Town of Glendo, Attn: Brenda Hagen, Sealed Bid, P.O. Box 396, Glendo, WY 82213 or hand delivered to Town Hall.
Public Notice No. 10392. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times February 20, and 27, and March 6, 2019.