-Wheatland,WY The regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with the following present: Steve Shockley, Chairman; Sandy Kontour, Commissioner; Eric D. Johnston, Commissioner; and Chris Kanwischer, County Clerk. Commissioner Kontour moved and Johnston seconded to approve the agenda. The motion carried. The minutes from the last regular meeting were approved as presented. Commissioner Johnston moved and Kontour seconded to approve the vouchers as presented. The motion carried. 911 SYSTEM PHONE AT&T 97.71 CENTURYLINK 351.40 CENTURYLINK 396.73 AG EXT MILEAGE & EXP DALLAS MOUNT 88.30 MARILYN MCKINLEY 295.32 POSTAGE MARILYN MCKINLEY 15.36 REPAIR/MAINT FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 271.00 SOUTHWEST PLUMBING & MECHANICAL LLC 3,000.00 SALARY PLATTE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE 184.00 SUPPLIES JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 9.99 UTILITIES BALZAN,JULIE 30.00 DALLAS MOUNT 30.00 TOWN OF WHEATLAND 264.94 ASSESSOR MILEAGE & EXP WOOLINGTON AGENCY 50.00 NEW EQUIP FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 269.52 POSTAGE POSTMASTER 90.00 SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 69.20 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 508.96 ATTORNEY SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 212.17 SECRETARY OF STATE 30.00 CLERK OF COURT COSTS FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 88.54 HERBERT K DOBY 625.00 SUPPLIES FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 38.33 CLERK POSTAGE POSTMASTER 144.00 COMMISSIONERS PLANNER PLATTE COUNTY RECORD TIMES 413.00 CORONER AUTOPSIES SPECIALIZED PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS PC 1,175.00 SUPPLIES PHILIP G MARTIN 20.20 COURTHOUSE BLDG MAINT GRAINGER 100.13 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 602.26 OREILLY AUTO PARTS 9.99 PEAK ELEVATOR 505.58 SUPPLIES BLUFFS SANITARY SUPPLY 312.95 UTILITIES TOWN OF WHEATLAND 6,499.80 DETENTION BD OF PRISONERS CASH WA DISTRIBUTING 13,905.06 FARMER BROS CO 1,347.59 THRIFTY FOODS 153.04 FUEL ROSENLOF,ROBERT 35.11 MEDICAL CARE ANDERSON DENTAL PC 773.00 CHEYENNE RADIOLOGY GROUP 46.94 JERRY POST,PSY.D., P C 400.00 NEW EQUIP VISA 424.15 REPAIR/MAINT 307 FIELD SERVICES LLC 300.00 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 8.36 SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 445.01 BOB BARKER CO INC 6,600.34 VEHICLE REP FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 962.50 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS 247.07 DISPATCH SUPPLIES SECRETARY OF STATE 30.00 TRAINING BAILEY RUTT 78.63 MISC GEN INSURANCE DUFF & PHELPS LLC 4,200.00 WOOLINGTON AGENCY 1,020.00 MEDICAL INS DELTA DENTAL 2,192.27 GEN PHONE VERIZON WIRELESS 77.01 VISIONARY COMMUNICATIONS INC 536.94 PRINTING/PUBL PLATTE COUNTY RECORD TIMES 777.43 PUBLIC HEALTH SUPPLIES OFFICE ALLY 35.00 PUBLIC HEALTH LABS 70.00 R & B RD MAT/CULV/BRIDGES JERRY CUNDALL 13,007.23 SUPPLIES JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 178.14 UTILITIES WHEATLAND REA 235.23 Y-O INVESTMENTS INC 93.19 VEHICLE REP CMI-TECO 542.55 FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 446.00 NORCO INC 11.76 THE TIRE SHOP 45.22 WYOMING MACHINERY CO 3,098.03 SCRF WEX BANK 4,092.81 SHERIFF EXTRADITION VISA 382.12 SPEC INVESTIG VERIZON WIRELESS 116.08 SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 54.58 JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL 39.96 LARAMIE PEAK VETERINARY ASSOCIATES 71.26 TRAINING HOLIDAY INN OF CASPER 396.00 UNIFORMS VISA 424.15 VEHICLE REP ALLENS PARTS SUPPLY 123.46 BOB RUWART MOTORS INC 828.04 FAT BOYS TIRE & AUTO 1,766.00 LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS 175.63 O’REILLY AUTO PARTS 85.39 TREASURER SUPPLIES ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS 52.44 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 22.63 TOTAL 77,752.73 8th District Circuit Court $19,218 November Treasurer Rietz presented the financial report for the month ending November 30, 2018. The Board interviewed John Reynolds for the open position on the Fair Board. Tom Overstreet of Pro River Tech, via phone, updated the Board on the Spillman server migration and several other items they have been working on. Planner Kalev presented a building certificate from Troy Tweeten for approval. The public hearing was moved to January 22, 2018 due to the lack of a quorum for the Planning Commission meeting on December 12th. The Board conducted interviews with Jeff Thomas, Aaron Clark and Jake Chaffin for the Fire Warden appointment. Maintenance Supervisor DeWitt discussed the heating situation in the Library basement. It was decided to get a quote from a mechanical engineer for the HVAC system before proceeding with changes. Commissioner Johnston moved and Kontour seconded to re-appoint Daryl Unrein to serve on the Fair Board for a five-year term ending January 1, 2024. The motion carried. Commissioner Kontour moved and Johnston seconded to appoint Aaron Clark to the position of Platte County Fire Warden for a period of four years ending January 1, 2023. The motion passed. Commissioner Kontour moved and Johnston seconded to approve Resolution #2018-17 entitled: Amendment to the 2018-19 Budget. The motion carried. The complete resolution is on file in the Clerk’s Office and available at Commissioner Johnston moved and Kontour seconded to approve the Owner Representative, Professional Services Agreement between Platte County and Reliance Construction Consulting for both Project 1, Proposition 1 and Proposition 2. The motion carried. Clerk Kanwischer presented an encroachment from Tall Grass Pony Express Pipeline for approval. A letter was signed for the Wyoming Military Department indicating that Platte County is willing to be a cooperative agency in the preparation of the Camp Guernsey Military Training and Manuver Environmental Assessment. The Board held an open house for the County employees from 3:00-5:00 p.m. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at approximately 12:00 p.m. Attest: /s/Chris Kanwiwscher, County Clerk Approved: /s/Steve Shockley, Chairman
Public Notice No. 10358. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times December 26, 2018.