WHEATLAND – Superintendent John Weigel told the school board in his update for good things happening, the district he is pleased with progress to fill open teaching positions. He reported all …
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PCSD No. 1 approves budget, is fully staffed
“It’s all organized and ready to deploy [and] as part of the accreditation from the state it is required to state how you review policy.
We have a process we use. We’re getting something done! It’s hard work, but it’s got to be done.””
John Weigel, Superintendant
Lisa Phelps
WHEATLAND – Superintendent John Weigel told the school board in his update for good things happening, the district he is pleased with progress to fill open teaching positions.
He reported all regular education and needed special education positions have been filled, though the district is still looking to fill some part- and full-time paraprofessionals.
Concerning policy evaluation, Weigel said there are policies concerning Title IX that have been put on hold because of an injunction in the 10th circuit court on proposed changes and a pushback to those changes.
“In the future we may have to look at Title IX policies, [but for now] we were told what we currently have is okay. They will meet the needs of students and staff right now, so we can use those as we move forward, without making any changes,” he said.
Weigel also said he and curriculum director Josh Sandlian looked at the district’s policy and model policies to make notes. There will be a new structure for the 1/5 policy review this year. (This review looks at 1/5 of the districts total policies for relevance and any recommended updates). Moving forward, instead of the superintendent being on every subcommittee, there will be a teacher or facilitator with specific knowledge in the area chosen to help the subcommittees.
“It’s all organized and ready to deploy [and] as part of the accreditation from the state it is required to state how you review policy. We have a process we use. We’re getting something done! It’s hard work, but it’s got to be done,” Weigel said.
Trustee Diane Haroldson complemented Weigel and the policy review team. “It’s been so hard because it hadn’t been done. Thanks for getting things rolling,” she said.
Trustee Amanda Fox, who represents Platte County School District No. 1 on the Eastern Wyoming Community College BOCES (board of cooperative education services), reported the finalized budget was approved, and PCSD No. 1 will receive 1/2 mill levy in the amount of $98,954.
In the budget session held during the meeting, business manager Jamie Wilson presented the district’s budget for fiscal year 2024-2025, which was subsequently accepted by the school board. The full report is available at the district office, or on the website www.platte1.org under the business department link.
Highlights of the budget include an increase of $339,572 more revenue than FY24, but an increase in spending on instruction, administration and services (wages and expenses) which increases the budget $549,734 prior to district transfers.
The State Loan and Investment Board-approved charter school in Chugwater, Prairie View Community School, will receive their state funding as a pass-through from PCSD No. 1 ($1,033,489 anticipated for FY25). The calculation of funding from the state for the district is calculated from last year’s average daily membership (ADM) and includes Prairie View’s 57 students for a total average of 934.
Total appropriations for the district for FY 2025 are $28,704,349 and include the general fund, special revenue, capital construction, food service, custodial and recreation funds. Of that, the total amount raised through taxes in the form of property tax mill levies is $5,211,289. (25 mills for the general fund, BOCES higher education for ½ mill, Hot Springs EC BOCES, ½ mill, and 1 mill for the recreation district.)
“It’s pretty amazing, between the insurance increase and what we did [to increase] wages, and we are still in balance from what we’re receiving from entitlement,” Weigel said.
The next school board meeting will be August 19. August 21 will be the first day of the new school year.