Letters to the editor

Why Telling Stories Matters

Courtney Weaver Chugwater
Posted 1/22/25

To the editor: Stories connect people in a way that nothing else can. By telling stories about yourself, or things around you, you let people see a piece of who you are. The stories you tell may be …

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Letters to the editor

Why Telling Stories Matters


To the editor:
Stories connect people in a way that nothing else can. By telling stories about yourself, or things around you, you let people see a piece of who you are. The stories you tell may be funny, or of frustrations, or even sadness. The stories you tell do not even have to be about you to connect other people to you. By telling fictional stories, or other peoples’ stories, you let people know the kind of things that are important to you.
Stories are beautiful and entertaining ways to share truths that are able to inspire people that the author or storyteller may not even know. Stories do not have to be about something that really happened in order to reflect truth. By reflecting true emotions and ideas in a fictional setting, stories are able to present truths in different ways that may help the reader or listener to understand and consider them in a new way.

Stories are the oldest way of recording history and tradition. Stories are passed from generation to generation. By doing this, history is preserved in writing or in legend. Without stories much of our history would be lost.
Modern stories should also be told. Many important things happen every day that many people may not be able to see. However, they can still hear about them. Without stories to connect people to events they cannot see, people become divided and unable to empathize with one another.
Courtney Weaver