Platte County 4-H Achievement Day was held Nov. 4th at the Platte County Agriplex. Members, leaders, friends, and families enjoyed dinner, entertainment from members who had traveled nationally and internationally over the past year, and celebrated the wisdom of graduating seniors. The evening brought fun and laughter for all while members and leaders were celebrated for their accomplishments.
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Platte County 4-H Achievement Day was held Nov. 4th at the Platte County Agriplex. Members, leaders, friends, and families enjoyed dinner, entertainment from members who had traveled nationally and internationally over the past year, and celebrated the wisdom of graduating seniors. The evening brought fun and laughter for all while members and leaders were celebrated for their accomplishments.
First Lady Jennie Gordon attended to present Levi Fox and Beck Westerman accolades for donating their swine projects to the Fair to Fork program this year. Both young men, and Karly Jones, last year’s donor, donated a pig to the Wheatland Food Bank over the past two years. Their giving spirit is cultivating a culture of giving back to the community in Platte County.
Mark and Carol Sidman and Daryl Unrein, were recognized as this year’s Friends of 4-H for their support of the 4-H program through the years. Mark and Carol have helped with the shotgun program for several years. According to their nominations, Mark and Carol are encouraging and kind, the shotgun program could not succeed without their dedication. Daryl’s support never goes unnoticed, and he always puts in the work. No matter if it’s helping organize a judging class for hippology, or giving horsemanship advice, he advocates for all the kids and helps them to grow their skills.
Several leaders were recognized for their outstanding contributions to Platte County 4-H.
Jarod Tonneson and Laura McCormick were awarded the Outstanding 1st Year Leader Award. Jarod has proven to be an energetic and innovative leader, building the shooting sports program. According to his nominations, he encourages all members, and many look up to him as a mentor. Laura has taken project learning to a new level, getting members of the community involved and finding the resources to ensure members have opportunities. She leads with a kind heart and warm smile, ensuring members have a great experience.
Bill Kernan was honored for his dedication and passion for 4-H with the Outstanding 4-H Leader Award. Bill is a long time shooting sports leader who has continued to show up and help youth grow their skills. According to his nominations, he has a calming presence that kids gravitate to. He spends countless hours helping youth, teaching them to shoot properly and making them feel welcome.
Many 4-H’ers were also recognized for their outstanding, leadership, commitment to 4-H, hard work during the year, community service, and mentorship of other members. Platte County 4-H’ers definitely are making a big difference to the community.
The Platte County 4-H Leadership Team advisors, Sydney Burek and Dixie Mount, announced the 2023 leadership team during the Achievement Night ceremony as well. Members of the 2022 leadership team include: Ethan Van Why, Sabella Douglas, Kaylee Rasnake, and Mckayla Ferguson.
A number of members were also recognized for their outstanding record keeping skills, scoring in the top 20 percent of members completing their Record Book Portfolios. These members include: Kendra Bauder, Payton Seyfang, Ace Keil, Abigail Seyfang, Ruth Werner, Adalynn Frye, Justin Daly, Clay Daly, Kaylee Rasnake, Chase Rasnake, and Allie Keil. Club officers recognized for their excellent record keeping skills include Kreed Kunta, Secretary of the Sybille Livestock 4-H Club, Brennin Munn Treasurer of Sybille Livestock 4-H Club, and June Werner, Treasurer of the Horseshoe Livestock 4-H Club.
All in all, Platte County 4-H is a richer and better program for having such dedicated members, leaders, and community members.
Platte County 4-H Outstanding Achievement Awards
Platte County Commissioners Citizenship Award recipient Tra Bauder showed his community minded spirit through his involvements in 4-H and the Platte County community. He is humble and eagerly takes on leadership roles. He has a heart for service and this shows through his interactions with others.
The John Geringer Memorial Premier Exhibitor award this year was awarded to Megan Sagner, an outgoing young lady exhibiting a history of outstanding project work, leadership in her club and Platte County 4-H, and mentorship of younger members.
The Fannie Collard Memorial Award celebrates members who actively participate in many 4-H projects, 4-H county events, state events, and show outstanding leadership. Kaylee Rasnake, an outgoing and passionate young woman received this honor.
Rylie Britton, recipient of the 4-H Member Community Service Award, is a passionate and caring member. According to her nominations, when it comes to community service, you can count on her. She will go the extra mile to lend a helping hand with a smile.
The 4-H Member Involvement Award, is awarded to members who have demonstrated active participation in 4-H events. Congratulations, Eleanor Ebel, an outgoing young woman who never misses a meeting or workshop, truly enjoying her 4-H experience.
Teagan Small and Levi Fox, recipients of the 4-H’er Hard Luck Award, faced challenges throughout their 4-H year and swine projects. Neither gave up, made the most of challenging situations, and continued to learn.
Adalynn Frye, the 4-H Member Heart and Soul Award recipient, makes 4-H meetings and events more fun with a positive attitude and smile. According to her nominations she is motivated, kind, and helpful, providing leadership at Cloverbuds meetings.
This year’s recipient of the 4-H Member 4-H Spirit Award, Chase Fowler, definitely shows the 4-H spirit. According to his nominations, he gives 4-H his all and tries his best. He may be quiet, but is always kind, helpful, and enthusiastic.
Emiliano Bell, recipient of the 4-H’er extra mile award volunteers his time and efforts to help with 4-H events and activities with a smile and positive attitude. According to his nominations, you can always count on him to lend a helping hand, showing up, and setting a great example for younger members.
This year’s recipient of the 4-H Member Outstanding Sportsmanship Award, Austin Brennan, has definitely shown sportsmanship and true character through his 4-H efforts. According to his nominations, he is always ready with a high five and smile for his fellow 4-H’ers, sharing his wisdom and level head.
Justin Daly and Khloe Kuntz, the Outstanding 1st year 4-H Members definitely showed true passion and 4-H spirit in their first year as a member. Justin jumped into his first year as a member, holding the song and game leader role in his club, dedicating time to his projects, and participating in many events. Khloe helps when needed at shooting sports practices and her sense of humor and kind attitude make all feel welcome and have fun.
The recipient of the 4-H Member Exemplary Leadership Award, Andrea Fox, showed great leadership and poise through her 4-H work. According to her nominations, you will find this young lady leading by example, mentoring others and sharing her passion for 4-H. She always has a smile on her face, and you can count on her to follow through with her commitments.
Allie Van Why, this year’s recipient of the 4-H Member Outstanding Mentorship Award has been a true inspiration to members and there is no better example for them to emulate. She encourages with a hug, high five, and helping hand. She is positive and lights up the room with her smile.
This year’s Outstanding Teen Leadership Award recipient, Karly Jones, is definitely a great leader. According to her she showed leadership, teaching and mentoring other members. Instead of just showing others how to do something, she encourages them to do it themselves, because the best way to learn is by making mistakes.
The new 4-H year is just getting started, for more information about how to join, call the Extension Office at 322-3667 or email