Public Notice No. 10402




UNAPPROVED - RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF WHEATLAND A regular meeting of the Council for the Town of Wheatland, Platte County, and State of Wyoming was held at Town Hall on February 11, 2019 pursuant to the law.  

Mayor Graves called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following were present at roll call:  Councilmen Madsen, Ashenhurst, Schindler and Britz.  Clerk/Treasurer Candy Wright and Attorney Doug Weaver were also present.  Mayor Graves presented the agenda.  Clerk Wright requested the removal of the Exponential Engineering Agreement and the addition of a change order for Ward Electric.  Councilman Schindler motioned, seconded by Councilman Britz, to approve the agenda as amended.  Motion passed 4-0.  Councilman Britz motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to approve the January 14, 2019 minutes as presented.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves presented the consent agenda.  Due to issues with the Excel Wyoming Pay Application #2, vouchers were removed from the consent agenda to be acted on separately.  Councilman Britz motioned, seconded by Councilman Ashenhurst, to approve the consent agenda sans vouchers.  Motion passed 4-0.  Councilman Britz motioned, seconded by councilman Ashenhurst, to approve all vouchers with the exception of Excel Wyoming’s pay application #2 with counsel providing direction within the next five days.  Motion passed 4-0.  
Councilman Ashenhurst motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen to approve all departmental reports.  Motion passed 4-0.  January vouchers approved by Council are as follows:  A & M ELECTRIC,242.18,heater repair, ALBERTSONS/SAFEWAY INC,164.81,office supplies, ALSCO,83.22, mat rentals, AMAZING MONOGRAMMING, 53.21, monogramming, AMAZON.COM, 258.49, office supplies, ASHENHURST, THANE,150.00,town council, ATLAS OFFICE PRODUCTS INC,373.14, office supplies, BLACK HILLS ENERGY,6,655.86, heat, BLOEDORN LUMBER, 491.47, building supplies, BLUE TARP FINANCIAL,26.99, handle and cover, BOB RUWART MOTORS,218.47, door handle, batteries cables, BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY,2,060.20,I 25 project, meters, electrical updates, BRANDON GRAVES,750.00, town council, BRITZ, WILLIAM R,150.00,town council, CAPITAL BUSINESS SYSTEM INC.,626.63,copier meter usage,CEEL,159.00,subscription renewal, CENTURYLINK, 187.33,phone,CIRCUIT COURT OF PLATTE COUNTY,125.00,M. Grinder ,CITY OF TORRINGTON,9,622.80,sanitation disposal, COAST TO COAST SOLUTIONS, 567.49,coloring books, CODE PUBLISHING,328.00,municipal code, CONSOLIDATED MFG. ENT.,INC.,2,566.31, welding and fabrication, CONTRACTORS MATERIAL INC,225.20, building/maintenance supplies, CRA PAYMENT CENTER,2,361.10,trimmer/parts, CRESCENT ELECTRIC,1,179.74, red inserts, led flood, aluminum conduit, CROWE, DEAN,150.00, physical, DBT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES LLC,1,667.44, maintenance awos, DOOLEY OIL, INC.,140.25, oil, DRM INC., 143,277.57, landfill closure, DRUBE’S SUPPLY,1,454.91, supplies, hardware, FR clothing, ENERGY LABS, INC.,330.00, water and wastewater sampling, ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, 17,279.08, YO Road project, ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES,2,247.35,engineering water, sewer, streets, FARIS MACHINERY, 921.85,grip arm, FAT BOYS TIRE & REPAIR, 8,819.68,tire & tire repair, FIRED UP,279.99, nozzle repairs, FIRST BANKCARD,484.74, supplies/google/postage, FIRST STATE BANK,512.30, Mountain View retainage, FISHER ROOFING,21,625.03, roofing swimming pool, storage, park shop, FRENCHMAN VALLEY COOP,4,508.00, propane, FUESSLEY, KENT,89.32, mileage, GRAINGER, 405.00, water parts, H & H CONCRETE, 9,730.00,valley pans, HEIMSOTH, TRAVIS,750.00,electrical inspector, HERDT, RUTH, 200.00,office cleaning, HIGH WEST ENERGY,78.00,6 pvc 90D 36 R sweep, HINCKLEASE, 28,534.44,annual lease payment,  HORTON FUELS LLC, 9,817.98, fuel, IACP, 190.00, membership dues, IDEAL,71.48, coveralls,INTERMEDIA.NET INC, 712.75, phone, INTERSTATE BILLING SERVICE INC,157.81,parts, JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL, 558.09, hardware supplies, KIWANIS,125.00,sponsorship 2019 stars of tomorrow, KOIS BROTHERS EQUIPMENT,655.11, sourcing switch, KYCN RADIO,300.00, advertising, LAMBERT, MICHALE,200.00,cleaning shop, LARAMIE PEAK MOTORS, 14.97,parts,LAWSON PRODUCTS,338.47,shop supplies, LINGO COMMUNICATIONS, 357.78,  phone, LOCK TRUCKING CO,106.61,parts,LYLE SIGNS INC,5,013.74,street signs, MADSEN, ALAN, 150.00,town council, MCELMURRY, JEANIE R,325.00,cleaning town hall, MERITAIN HEALTH,34,028.11, health premiums, MHC KENWORTH CHEYENNE, 1,788.34, semi repair, MIDWEST HOSE & SPECIALTY,153.12,tank truck hose, MOUNTAIN VIEW BUILDING, 4,610.68,YO Ranch Road, OLD GRADS,100.00, advertise, ONE CALL OF WY,54.25, tickets, P.C. PARKS & RECREATION,25.00, advertisement, P.C. PUBLIC HEALTH, 480.00,16 flu vaccines,PARTSMASTER,1,437.25,shop supply, PAUL REED CONSTRUCTION,382,934.53, runway reconstruction, PETERBILT OF WY,306.43,kit disc pad prem, PINE BLUFFS SINCLAIR LLC,9,199.00,fuel tank, PIONEER RESEARCH, 528.25, earth formula, PITNEY BOWES INC,800.00, postage, POWER MANAGEMENT,295.00,line interactive tower ups, QUEST INC,511.21,lithum ion battery, w-c die, QUILL CORP, 795.75, office supplies, RADAR SHOP, INC,504.00,on site radar recertification, RECORD TIMES & PC MERCHANT, 1,106.02, advertisement, RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CO. INC.,292.50, tire disposal, SAFELITE AUTO GLASS ,458.78, windshield, SARGENT DRILLING, 700.00, parts and labor, SCHINDLER, JAMIE,150.00,town council, SHOPKO DEPT 5485,27.98,office supplies, SHRED-IT DENVER,354.73,Shred paperwork, SKARSHAUG TESTING LAB, 475.25, testing, SOLID WASTE PROFESSIONALS OF WY,29,434.96, landfill closure, SPARKLETTS & SIERRA SPRINGS,154.94, cooler rental and water, STATE OF WY, 18,333.94, UTILITIES SALES TAX, STEVENSON, TERRY, 200.00, emergency management, STREETS, MARK,500.00,fire inspector, T.C. EDWARDS, 441.00, diagnostic, draft inducer, TDS COLLECTION SERVICE INC., 2,871.00, C&D Roll off, THE TIRE SHOP,687.08,tires, THRIFTY FOODS,122.69,office supplies, T-O ENGINEERS, 74,907.66,airport runway, VERIZON WIRELESS,269.64, cell phone, WWQ & P C A,90.00, Kent John Brain, WESCO  RECEIVABLES CORP.,14,208.21,electrical supplies, WESTERN BLDG,3,205.59, asphalt patching, WHEATCO SALES & SERVICE, 681.73, tires, WHEATLAND AUTOMOTIVE, 217.19,  parts/supplies, WHEATLAND FIRE DEPT FOUNDATION,615.00, physical, WY Fireman’s Assoc, WHEATLAND R.E.A.,3,407.27, electric purchased and poles, WPOA SECRETARY TREASURER,100.00, membership dues, WYO DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION, 12.61,16th Street, WY MUNICIPAL POWER,267,896.73, power bill, WY RETIREMENT SYSTEM,255.00, retirement, WY WIRELESS INTERNET, 3,190.00, computer and monitor, WY WIRELESS VERIZON,19.99,power flat lighting charge cable, WY WORKERS COMPENSATION,198.48, workers comp,WY.COM,20.00, web design, WYOPASS, 55.00, Membership dues PAYROLL $173,066.24 TOTAL $1,329,484.51
UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:30 pm. and enter into the public hearing.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves asked for public comment on the approval of two Restaurant Liquor License renewals.  Hearing none Councilman Ashenhurst motioned, seconded by Councilman Britz, to accept the renewal of a Restaurant Liquor License for Los Dominguez and Tasty Treats.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves asked for public comment on the approval of two Club Liquor License renewals.  Hearing none Councilman Schindler motioned, seconded by councilman Britz, to accept the renewal of a Club Liquor License for the Moose Lodge and the Wheatland Country Club.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves asked for public comment on the approval of seven Retail Liquor License renewals.  Hearing none Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to accept the renewal of a Retail Liquor License for the Landmark Bar, the Commodore Bar, I25 Pit Stop, Safeway, Big A, Smitty’s Lanes and Guadalajara’s.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves asked for public comment on the approval of one Bar and Grill Liquor License.  Hearing none Councilman Schindler motioned, seconded by Councilman Britz, to approve the Bar and Grill Liquor License for Windy Peaks Brewery Pub Chophouse.  Motion passed 4-0.  Councilman Ashenhurst motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen, to adjourn the public hearing at 7:35 pm and reconvene into the regular meeting.  Motion passed 4-0.  NEW BUSINESS:  Representatives from the Platte County Library requested Council waive the $510.66 building permit fee for a new marquee sign at the library.  Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to waive the $510.66 building permit fee.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves presented Resolution 2-2019 A Resolution to Establish Compliance with W.S. 24-2-111 and Request Monies from the Department of Transportation for Maintenance on State Highways within our Corporate Boundaries.  Councilman Britz motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to approve Resolution 2-2019.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves requested a motion to accept First State Bank, Platte Valley Bank and Bank of the West as the Town of Wheatland’s 2019 depositories.  After discussion, Councilman Britz motioned, seconded by Councilman Madsen, to accept First State Bank and Platte Valley Bank as the Town of Wheatland’s 2019 depositories and direct Clerk Wright to speak with Rolling Hills Bank.  Motion passed 4-0.  Councilman Madsen motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler to accept the Platte County Record Times as the Town of Wheatland’s 2019 dedicated newspaper.  Motion passed 4-0.  Councilman Ashenhurst motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to delegate Candy Wright as the voting delegate for the WAM Winter Workshop.  Motion passed 4-0.  Mayor Graves presented a $20,548.80 change order request from Ward Electric for the extra work required on the 16th Street Electrical Upgrade project.  Councilman Ashenhurst motioned, seconded by Councilman Schindler, to approve the request as presented.  Motion passed 4-0.  With nothing further to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.  Next business meeting for the Town Council will be March 11, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. S/N:  Mayor Brandon Graves Attest:  S/N:  Clerk Candy Wright
Public Notice No. 10402. To be published in the Platte County Record - Times March 6, 2019.